Press Releases


2021-02-19 Preliminary Interim Results For the Six Months Ended 31 December 2020
2019-06-10 匠心精研、再領卓越 江蘇南順麵粉有限公司宜興新工廠盛大開業慶典 (Chinese only)
2016-11-21 促行業發展 系民生健康 助南順領航 — 江蘇南順特種粉項目(搬遷)簽約儀式 (Chinese only)
2014-12-14 金像牌香港茶餐廳預拌粉系列, 美女廚神蘇玉華最愛茶餐廳美食, 工展會即場親身示範鮮製雞尾包 (Chinese only)
2014-11-19 The All-New Knife Supreme Peanut Oil, Enables Mothers to Cook Like Gourmet Chefs At Home
2014-10-09 Statement
2014-09-09 Solemn Declaration Lam Soon Group reiterates: There was no purchase or sale of Chang Guann’s “Chuan Tung Fragrant Lard Oil” Products have been officially tested to ensure consumer safety
2014-07-11 「I CAN BAKE ‧ 親子烘焙工作坊」「金像牌」推廣親子烘焙文化 在家享受烘焙體驗樂趣 (Chinese only)
2014-06-15 「刀嘜」「金像牌」提倡親子烘焙文化 合辦「愛爸媽 健康煮意工作坊」宣揚健康飲食 (Chinese only)
2014-06-05 「刀嘜」「金像牌」健康新煮意 「愛爸爸 健康煮意工作坊」 親子合製足球型包同慶父親節 (Chinese only)
2014-05-06 「刀嘜」「金像牌」合辦「愛爸媽 健康煮意工作坊」 宣揚親子活動 培養健康飲食生活 (Chinese only)
2014-05-02 「刀嘜」「金像牌」健康新煮意 「愛爸媽 健康煮意工作坊」 健康親子烹飪班 親情滿溢樂無窮 (Chinese only)
2011-12-14 薛家燕再為南順工展會展館打氣加油 (Chinese only)
2011-12-10 南順工展會展館現已開幕 (Chinese only)
2011-05-15 南順五十週年金禧慶典 以《一點一滴 成就五十載》為主題 – 承諾繼續為廣大消費者提供更加便捷貼心的增值服務 (Chinese only)
2010-12-23 南順聖誕表愛心, 捐贈明愛日用品 (Chinese only)
2010-12-10 Lam Soon Kicks Off 50th Anniversary Celebration by Joining the 45th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo
2010-10-29 南順香港集團舉辦全國首屆高級制粉職業技能培訓 (Chinese only)
2010-08-25 Lam Soon Announces 2009/10 Annual Results
2010-08-12 刀嘜高健高油酸配方食油系列 榮獲香港心臟專科學院指定為世界心臟日2010健康食油之選 (Chinese only)